When you make a purchase on rocketgirl.nyc you are buying direct from co-creatos Amy Reeder and Brandon Montclare. In addition to signed items, a lot of the merchandise is exclusive to this website. We hope you enjoy the swag! And know that we appreciate your support. Without the fans (whether it's here, at conventions, at your local comics shop, or elsewhere online) a creator-owned comic like Rocket Girl would not be possible.
And for the fans that discovered our work via Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: your enthusiasm and support has made a big impact on the Marvel Universe.
To all our readers: THANK YOU! The two of us always try to make you feel like part of our comics' success. From the original Kickstarter, to the newest issues, to meeting you at appearances and signings, and even just making the comics. We hope rocketgirl.nyc is another cool way to keep in touch!
Amy Reeder co-wrote the first 18 issues of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur with Brandon Montclare, in addition to drawing the covers. Most often as the artist, Amy creates for the likes of DC Comics and Vertigo, Tokyopop, Image Comics, and Marvel, on titles like Madame Xanadu, Rocket Girl, Batwoman, and Supergirl. Her expressive, kinetic work has earned her three Eisner nominations and a solid place in the comic book industry for over 10 years.
Brandon Montclare is a writer and the creator of Lunella Lafayette (a.k.a. Moon Girl) from Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. He also created Rocket Girl at Image Comics. NPR proclaimed that adventure series “effervescent” while Broken Frontier called it “the Saturday morning cartoon you wish was on TV.” Brandon is also a former editor at DC Comics and Vertigo, where he worked on titles includingh All Star Superman, Batman Year 100, Sweet Tooth, and Hellblazer.